About that curriculum
Dear MLA, Minister LeGrange and Premier Kenney, I, like many Albertans, am absolutely flabbergasted at the proposed curriculum. When I started looking at the content my grade 1 student will be expected to learn next year (if implemented) I was astounded. This is simply a list of facts that will bear no meaning whosoever on her life. Minister LeGrange and Permier Kenney keep mentioning declining educational performance but I only find the opposite. In 2018 CBC reported that " Results of a global education survey that found Alberta students rank among the best in the world in reading, math and science, show that education funding pays off, according to the president of the Alberta Teachers' Association. Students in the province rank third globally at reading and science, and eighth in math, according to the ATA's summary of the 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment, which was released Tuesday." So it seems really surprising that we would want...