The Fabric Stash
As far as fabric stashes go, I don't feel that mine is too bad or is that just me enabling myself? However, if I'm honest I'm starting to feel overwhelmed by it. My environmental side makes it hard to throw things out that I could re-purpose and frugal side makes it hard to give away things I spent money on, or may be able to use later. I've never had a larger collection before and I want to feel like I'm making progress using it up.
These are not the prettiest before and after pics, but now at least I have an inventory or what I have, and next step is to finish some projects.
The other day I managed to steal a couple hours while the baby napped and get a rough estimate of the current stash. This, plus the boxes seen in front of the wardrobe total about 119 m of fabric and clothing to recylce (not including the 1.5 m that is going to be donated, will add more next year if not sewn up). YIKES!!
These are not the prettiest before and after pics, but now at least I have an inventory or what I have, and next step is to finish some projects.
The before
The other day I managed to steal a couple hours while the baby napped and get a rough estimate of the current stash. This, plus the boxes seen in front of the wardrobe total about 119 m of fabric and clothing to recylce (not including the 1.5 m that is going to be donated, will add more next year if not sewn up). YIKES!!
After re-folding it's looking a bit better. At least I know what I have.
My hope is that I can post an updated photo showing a dramatic decrease of the fabric shown here by this time next year, even if that means giving some things away.
I also went through my pattern stash and counted that up. I've now got 66 patterns, not including magazine or book patterns. I currently have about 30 patterns I've never sewn so I want to make sure I'm using them and am not wasting my time or money. And if I'm not going to use them soon, it might be time to get rid of the paper patterns rather than feeling guilty about them sitting there. Another goal is to get my sewing/office organized, but that is for another post.
My main goal for January is sewing up some swimwear/swim shirts for me and the kids before we head south for a trip. Unfortunately I will need a bit more swim fabric to make that happen. Once I get that done, I'll move on to some summer clothes.
Plan for me:
Finish my Jalie 3023 that has been sitting since the summer as it needs a bit more time with the seam ripper.
Make a Gigi Bikini Top 3671
Make a Valerie Swim top 3668
For my daughter, want to make her a swim top and some swim bottoms
And for the boys a Nico 3669 top in swim fabric each.
Then it's onto filling the holes in my wardrobe... and the list is long.
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