Welcome to our FI-Nest

Starting a new blog always seems to beg the question, start with an introduction when you know no one is really reading, or just dive right into content? For organizational sake I feel I should provide a little background and blog goals. For the moment this blog will serve as a journal of my family's journey to FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early). Not sure how early the retirement part will come so we are focused on the Financial Independence part and the freedom that gives us to find our best life. 

Who are we and what's our best life?

Well, really it's just me who will be journaling our journey. PapaBird has come around to FI but does not get the RE idea. However we've always been good savers throughout our relationship and now I'm focused on accelerating that journey as I'm losing the motivation to keep advancing in my career and would rather more free time.

I'm a 38 year old woman, wife, mother, maker and well not sure what else to add. I'm a frugal envrionmentally conscious weirdo who enjoys biking, sewing, knitting cooking and general making. 
My husband is a couple years older than me and we have three kids, ages 7.5 (boy), 5 (girl) and 1.5 (boy).

I'm on a mission to figure out what brings us joy? What brings us closer together as a family? What is worth spending our hard earn money (or life force) on and what is not? What is the balance so this journey to FIRE never feels like deprivation, just a continuation of our best life while we save the difference ensuring our eventual financial independence. Recently I've come to realize how much a sense of freedom living below our means and increasing networth gives us and that is priceless. 

My plan is to use this blog to document our FI progress and journey to our best life.  I feel happiest when I'm productive and am hoping that this blog will help keep me accountable and moving towards our goals. 

Goals for 2019 and blog focus:

reduce waste
organize my house and enjoy space by reducing items
Me-made wardrobe and, work through my fabric stash 
Build exercise into my daily life
50-60% savings rate


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