2020 Sewing Plans
I bought a lot of fabric last year despite it being a year to sew down my stash so I'm trying to focus on using it up and expanding my work wardrobe. I've been hesitant to make the pants because I've recently gone up a dress size and I'm hopeful I'll come back down. I just don't want to put in the effort of making something for it not to fit in a couple months. The dresses and leggings are more forgiving size wise so I'll likely start there.
2 pairs of Sabrina Slims Pants
1 pair of Vanessa Fluid Pants
1 pair of Éleonore Pull-on Jeans
1 pair of Clara Leggings
2 Classic Tees
Sloane Sweatshirt
Alice Top
Nicole Tunic
Rachel Dress
It's not quite a full SWAP (Sewing with a Plan) as not all the tops will go with all the bottoms and it is missing a topper that coordinates with everything, but it will fill some holes in my wardrobe and use up a good portion of my recent fabric acquisitions.
I do have another pair of pants to finish for my son as he's been wearing out all of his recently and I have another sewing test to complete and then I'll be moving on to this. Hoping to finish at least a project per weak as most are pretty quick. I'll allow myself two weeks for the pants as most of them are a little more involved.
Side note: LoveNotions links are affiliate, meaning I'll get a small commission if you purchase them. Keep in mind they are American, so American Dollars. I did get surprised the first time I bought them.
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