Just like that we're work from home, homeschoolers

I'm trying to stay calm, I'm trying not to stress, but I've been spending way too much time analyzing the Covid-19 situation in the last few weeks. On rather an impulse we booked a trip to Disneyland at the end of February. The timing seemed perfect. Scored a sweet seat sale with Westjet for our spring break, would have big crowds to deal with, but decent savings because we wouldn't have to pay for childcare for spring break camps and our youngest would still be free.

Then Covid-19 started to hit Europe, Italy was suffering, 14 cases found in California. Reality began to hit. Are those numbers accurate? Were they actually testing? If there was anywhere we should be avoiding it's Disneyland, a hub of international visitors. I regretted our decision. Wanted to cancel, but felt a bit ridiculous for wanting to make that decision. Perhaps I was just over-reacting. No one else seemed to want to cancel their plans. Our hotel was non-refundable but at this point last week (Monday March 9, 2020) losing that $1500 seemed a reasonable price to pay. Fortunately Expedia got our money back, but we might have been lucky getting in before the masses. The next day Canada issued travel bans, asked that ALL returning travelers self isolate upon their return. Felt so relieved that we cancelled.

Then the realization that we haven't stocked up yet. Here I could relax a bit. Our pantry is full as are our freezers. Our experience moving cross-country has taught me that it takes a lot of time to actually eat all the food in a reasonably stocked home. PapaBird is a little worried about being forced to eat quinoa and beans if a real shortage befalls us, but I know we won't starve. We definitely have about a month of random combinations on hand.

I did buy a few extras just in case, but this was dictated by what was on sale. I think I spent about $300-400 on food this month, but that is on par for our budget of about $700/month. Anything I ended up stocking up on was on sale and things I'd normally stock up on given the chance. I did buy some extra flour as I make my own bread and a flat of canned tomatoes as the majority of my easy dinners involve a can.

Fridge is stocked, but not excessive. I did buy 5 gallons of milk, but that is about a week and half worth for us. 1 is currently frozen on our balcony and will end up being made into yogurt. I also bought one extra bag of apples and carrots which are currently in the garage. 

Food wise I've got this. I'm optimistic our food supplies will be maintained and we'll be able to continue to grocery shop. Wow. Never thought I'd write something like that out. It is definitely a strange world at the moment. On Friday all our activities and local rec centres were closed. Today the library was closed. Then this afternoon school was closed indefinitely. Likely at least 8 weeks. Someone hold me. I don't think the box of wine I picked up will be quite enough. 

There has been a helpful schedule posted around facebook so I'm going to attempt to adapt that with the kids.

 Both of them helped me edit it. I'm trying not to panic. I'm trying to be positive, but my husband and I are now going to be attempting to home school our kids based on what is sent home from their teachers for the foreseeable future. First reports said till the end of the school year, now it says for an indeterminate time. 

Our home daycare can technically remain open, but she has been travelling so will have to be closed for 2 weeks while we wait for her self-isolation period to finish. 

My plan for getting my work done is working 2-3 hours early in the morning while PapaBird gets the kids ready for the day, trying to work another 2 hours during the day while the kids work on their projects and then finish up my day in the evening. This is a bit scary, but so essential to flatten the curve so we don't end up in a situation like Italy where they simply can no longer treat anyone over 80. It'll be worth it to protect our public healthcare system from being overwhelmed. I am definitely scared for how this will play out in the states when decisions have to be made who to save if they don't take this seriously. 

Found online... What life will realistically look like


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